This is the point in the year where most sitcoms would do a clip show. People are generally a little more busy in their lives until summer gets fully back into swing. But we here at TCS would never subject our readers to large part because we don't have any recorded video to piece together, and ultimately finish off with a gag reel.
What we do have, however, is the next best cop out. Much like many of you new graduates, at some point this summer, the Sometimes is going to be making a life advancement. Let's break it down in what I'm calling "TCS: Preview edition!"
The three of us at the blog have just started to get the ball rolling on what the future holds. With a few ideas in hand, we sure would love to hear from the readers on what YOU want to see more of. But before we can do that, let's give a sneak peek of our deliberations.
(For the record, this is the most I'll ever feel like Steve Jobs, but instead of being dressed in all black, I'm dressed like an All Black.)

I'm also making the exact same face
Oh, before I go any further, I think it's in the best interest of the entire world to know that New Zealand's national basketball team is called the Tall Blacks. ( I know, right!
Okay back to business. Here's what we've been thinking about:
1) Making this a weekly blog.
With the amount of free time we'll be sure to have on our hands, why not write more often? People need to waste time all the time, not just every fortnight. Plus, this is going to open the exciting new possibility of....
2) More Writers
Currently on staff, there are two writers and a master illustrator. To keep the current trend of hearing from your favorite/least favorite only once a month, we'd need other people to fill in those gaps. The other two weeks will be treated as a veritable turnstile of opinions, news, rants, and interior decorating ideas. Alright, maybe not so much the last one, but that would be a great chance for you to tell the world about why they cannot live without those throw pillows in the den.
Just fabulous!
That's right, I said you! While there will be a small pool of contributors that post more regularly than others, the blog will boast the ability for any reader to submit a post at any time - male or female. Just send it in to our handy dandy e-mail address on the right panel of this page. Which, incidentally, brings me to my next point.
3) We'll probably be leaving Blogspot
A little while ago, we went out and purchased the domain name, and of course, we used Go Daddy. Who can resist that Danica? Growwwwwwl. Sorry.
Talking about it, we've decided that if we can figure out how to make a site that essentially mimics this one, just with better archives and a little bit flashier, that we'd be willing to make the switch. The only tiny hurdle is that we're about as good as Spider Man when it comes to web design. But once that's all sorted out, it'll be smooth sailing.
4) A few podcast style entries here and there.
This idea was suggested by a friend of ours (hi Sean!), and it just seems fitting. Considering the things we discuss here are of no real relevance, it'd be pretty fun to post little 15-20 minute conversations among peers every so often. Again, you're all fully invited to participate, and especially encouraged to e-mail conversation ideas.
You could be the next Karl Pilkington!
Well that's pretty much everything. Any ideas you do have, feel free to leave comments on here or send us e-mails if you want Tiger-esque discreteness. You can also talk dirty there, if that's what you're into.
So what do you guys think? Approve/Disapprove? Want us to keep things the same way, or are the ideas something you'd like?
Can't wait to hear from you kiddies,
Tapan Jones

The Future Through Tom's Glasses: Robocop, DeLoreans, and Air McFlys
I've had some luck messing around with the blogspot features, and you can certainly direct to redirect here and it will appear to your users that they are on your personal domain.
ReplyDeleteFor example: actually redirects to and that page is built entirely in the blogspot editor.
I do know some people that have better luck with Another blog I frequent is that uses the suite of tools available from them.
I think going to a web designer to create code that will run a blog will probably cost a good deal of time or money. That's what I discovered in trying to build my own site before I decided to stick with blogspot.
Another friend of mine who runs a blog posts open contributers. Maybe there's some people over at that would want to be involved with you guys. They are also out of Chicagoland. Also, if you're looking for contributers I might send something your way.
You three small guys really did a big mistake... inviting only male & female... not welcoming/accepting who also happens to read ur stuff as well... at least in North America... & have equal right too !
ReplyDeleteTapan, if you guys need some help in the web design dept., I'd certainly be happy to help out para gratis(that means "for free" lol).
ReplyDeleteIn terms of having a custom blog, (and getting rid of that f'n blue bar at the top) Blogspot isn't the way to go in terms of what you guys are trying to accomplish. Wordpress is the answer. More features, more powerful, and also easily adaptable with a custom "theme", or in mine and Greg's case recently, incorporation into an existing website.